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Create QR Code Barcodes in Crystal Reports Version 8.5 or Older

QR Code Barcodes in Crystal Reports 8.5 or Older

  • The following tutorial shows how to create QR Code barcodes in older versions of Crystal Reports.
  • Crystal Reports 8.5 and older do not support fields and formula outputs longer than 254 characters.
  •  To encode a QR Code barcode, we must split the formula into multiple parts.

Step 1. Add a new formula

  • In Field Explorer click on the icon to create a new formula.
  • Hint: If you do not see Field Explorer, choose it from Standard Toolbar (see screenshot).

  • Name the formula. Add "...part0" suffix at the end of the formula name.

Step 2. Copy the formula text.

  • Copy the contents of this text into the Formula Editor:
 // Part number of the barcode. Always begins with 0.
local numberVar partNumber := 0;

  // barcodeInputArray is the text you wish to encode in the QR Code. It is an array of strings. 
  // By using an array instead of a single string, we are able to enter data that's longer than the limit of 254 characters.
  // You can use multiple strings (up to 254 characters each), which will be joined together:
  // local stringVar array barcodeInputArray:= ["Hello World", " and Other Planets"]; // encodes: Hello World and Other Planets
  // If your data is under 254 characters then simply use a single-item array, like this:
  // local stringVar array barcodeInputArray:= ["Hello World"];
  // or 
  // local stringVar array barcodeInputArray:= [{my_data_table.item_name}];
  // If your data is a number or date, it must be converted to string using the ToText() function. For example:
  // local stringVar array barcodeInputArray:= [ ToText({my_data_table.item_amount}, 0, "")];

local stringVar array barcodeInputArray := ["Hello World"];

 // Minimum size of QR Code symbol.
 // Valid sizes are 1-40, where size 1 equals 21x21 modules per side and size 40 equals 177x177.
 // Note: Size of symbol will automatically increase if too small for the data.
numberVar symbolSize := 1;            
 // Error correction level allows a partially damaged barcode to be scanned successfully.
 // Valid values are 1-4, representing levels of L, M, Q, and H.
numberVar errorCorrectionLevel := 1;

 // Allows input of special characters in format ^000 where 000 is decimal ASCII code. 
 // For example, ABC^009123^013^010 encodes "ABC[TAB]123[CARRIAGE RETURN][LINE FEED]".
 // To encode the actual caret ^, enter it twice: ^^
 // To encode FNC1, enter: ^F1
booleanVar allowSpecialChars := true;

 // Determines what type of QR Code barcode to create.
 // Set fnc1Mode to 0 to create "regular" QR Code barcodes (default)
 // Set fnc1Mode to 1 to create GS1-QR barcodes.
 // GS1-QR barcodes require input to be in the format: "(NN)XXXXXX(NN)XXXXXXXXX",
 // where NN is a 2, 3, or 4-digit AI and XXXXXX is alphanumeric data to be encoded.
numberVar fnc1Mode := 0; 

 // Thickness of quiet zone (space around barcode), in number of modules.
 // Note: Minimum quiet zone in QR Code is 4 modules. If you add a border (borderWidth > 0), ensure quietZoneWidth is 4 or larger.
 // Default value is 0 (no quiet zone)
numberVar quietZoneWidth := 0; 

 // Thickness of border around barcode, in number of modules.
 // If using a border, ensure quietZoneWidth is 1 or larger.
numberVar borderWidth := 0; 

 // Character encoding of higher ASCII values (above 127). 
 // For example: UTF-8 | ISO-8859-1 | ISO-8859-3 | ISO-2022-JP-2 
stringVar characterInputEncoding := "ISO-8859-1";

 // Character encoding for data encoded in the Data Matrix symbol. 
 // The recommended setting is UTF-8, which is the default for the majority of barcode scanners.
 // If you change the setting, be sure the scanner understands it.
stringVar characterOutputEncoding := "UTF-8";

local stringVar hex := "";
local stringVar xvals := "0123456789ABCDEF";
local stringVar array hexStringsArray := [""];

local numberVar j;

for j := 1 to Count(barcodeInputArray) do
    local numberVar strLen := Length(barcodeInputArray[j]);

    local numberVar i;
    For i := 1 to strLen Do
        local numberVar num := Asc(Mid(barcodeInputArray[j], i, 1));
        local numberVar first := Remainder( num,  256);
        hex := hex + Mid(xvals, Int(first/16) + 1, 1) + Mid(xvals, Remainder(first, 16) + 1, 1); 

        if Length(hex) >= 254 then
            ReDim Preserve hexStringsArray[Count(hexStringsArray)+1];
            hexStringsArray[Count(hexStringsArray)] :=  hex;
            hex := "";

if Length(hex) > 0 then 
    ReDim Preserve hexStringsArray[Count(hexStringsArray)+1];
    hexStringsArray[Count(hexStringsArray)] := hex;

QrCodeEncodeFromHexArray(partNumber, hexStringsArray, symbolSize, errorCorrectionLevel, allowSpecialChars, 
                                            fnc1Mode, quietZoneWidth, borderWidth, characterInputEncoding, characterOutputEncoding);

Step 3. Edit the contents of the formula

  • Replace "Hello World..." with your own data. 
  • Set other properties (Quiet Zone, Error Correction, etc) now as well.

Step 4. Create Copies of Formula

  • Create two exact copies of the formula we created in step 3.  Add the suffix part1 and part2 to formula names, correspondingly.

Step 5. Edit partNumber

  • Set partNumber to 1 in formula qrcode_part1
  • Set partNumber to 2 in formula qrcode_part2

Step 6. Insert a Text Object

  • Insert a Text Object into your report.

Step 7. Add formulas to Text Object

  • Drag all three formulas from Field Explorer to the Text Object.

Step 8. Set font properties

  • Change the font to: BCW_QR and set the point size.

NOTE:  For smaller barcodes, you can set the point size as low as 2pt

Select BCW_QR as a font and the size of 6

Step 9. Ensure the text object grows (if necessary

  • Right-click on inserted formula and select Format Text...
Select "Format Text" to enter the form, where further customization of a text field is possible

  • Select Can Grow on the Common tab.
Select "Can Grow" so that text box's height could be automatically adjusted

Finish the report

  • Click on Preview to see the results.