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Calendar Event with BarCodeWiz QR Code Fonts

Preparing a meeting? Create an invitation with a calendar event encoded as a QR Code. 

To create a valid calendar event you should fill in these fields:

  •  BEGIN:VEVENT - this just tells that this is the beginning of  calendar's event; no need to edit it
  • SUMMARY: - event's description
  • DTSTART: - start of the event
  • DTEND: - finish of the event
  •  END:VEVENT - the end of the calendar's event; no need to edit it



DTSTART and DTEND fields

  •  While filling these fields, insert the date in the following format:
    YYYYMMDD - inserting date this way, will result in producing a calendar event that will last the whole day.
  • If you want to create a calendar event that will last several hours during the day, insert the date in this format:
    YYYYMMDDTHHMMSS , where all the digits after T are hours, minutes, and seconds. 


Let us create an example QR Code Calendar Event using BarCodeWiz ActiveX Cotrol - in MS WORD

  • Let's say you are willing to create a calendar event named Subscribe BarCodeWiz ActiveX Control. Starting Sept, 29th at noon and ending Sept 29th a minute after noon
  • Copy/Paste the following text to WORD:


BEGIN:VEVENT^010SUMMARY:Subscribe BarCodeWiz ActiveX Control^010DTSTART:20230928T120000^010DTEND:20230928T120100^010END:VEVENT


  •  ^010 - is a line feed code in ASCII. We need it to separate each line of our event. 

Set BarCodeWiz ActiveX Control to Encode QR Code Barcodes

More info in this tutorial:

QR Code Barcodes in MS Word 

The Result