Command Line Installation
Command Line & Silent Installation
- It's often necessary to deploy BarCodeWiz Fonts and software to a number of users. BarCodeWiz font packages support automated installation from command line, including silent install.
Installing the program setup: "/exenoui".
- This switch installs the setup file without user input, using default settings.
- Note that if Excel or Word is open during installation, the setup will ask you to shut it down.
- Please keep in mind that program installation requires Administrator Privileges
- Example: barcodewiz_code128_fonts.exe /exenoui /qn LIC="XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX"
Installing Excel and Word Add-Ins with BarCodeWizToolbar.exe
- It's possible to install and uninstall the Word and Excel add-ins for the current user from command line. The following switches are available:
installword - Installs the Word toolbar and add-in.
uninstallword - Uninstalls the Word toolbar and add-in.
installexcel - Installs the Excel toolbar and add-in.
uninstallexcel - Uninstalls the Excel toolbar and add-in. - Note that if Excel or Word is open during installation, the setup will ask you to shut it down.
- Administrator Privileges are not required. The add-ins are installed for the current user only.
- Example: "%ProgramFiles%\BarCodeWiz\BarCodeWiz Code 128 Fonts\Addins\BarCodeWizToolbar.exe" installword