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Create Data Matrix Barcodes in MS Access

Data Matrix Barcodes in Access

  • This tutorial shows how to add Data Matrix barcodes to your MS Access reports. The barcodes are generated using BarCodeWiz Data Matrix Fonts.
  • See the video or simply follow the steps below.

Step 1. Import module with barcode functions

  • Click on Database Tools tab > Visual Basic (or press Alt + F11).

  • Right-click the database and Import File....

  • Select BarCodeWizDataMatrix.bas.
  • The default location of the file is:
    Program Files\BarCodeWiz\BarCodeWiz Data Matrix Fonts\BarCodeWizDataMatrix.bas

  • The following module should now be part of the Access file.

Step 2. Create a new table (or use an existing table)

  • Create a new table with barcode data. Name the table Items (or simply use an existing table). Our table has the following data:

Step 3. Create a new report in Design Mode

  • Click on Create tab > Report Design

Step 4. Set Record Source of the report

  • Go to report Properties window and set the Record Source property to Items (the name of our table from step 2).

 Important: Never use the same name for text box as your table field's name.

Step 5. Insert a TextBox for Barcode into the Detail section or the report. Set these properties:

  • Control Source: =DataMatrixEncode([item_sku])

  • Can Grow: Yes

  • Border Style: Transparent
  • Font Name: BCW_DM
  • Font Size: 8

NOTE:  For smaller barcodes, you can set the point size as low as 2pt

Step 6. Print or Print Preview the report.

  • The report is ready to save or print.