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Data Matrix 2D Barcodes in Crystal Reports 8.5 or Older

Data Matrix Barcodes in Crystal Reports 8.5 or Older

  • The following tutorial shows how to create Data Matrix barcodes in older versions of Crystal Reports.
  • Crystal Reports 8.5 and older do not support fields and formula outputs longer than 254 characters.
  • To encode a Data Matrix barcode, we must split the formula into multiple parts.
Some finished Data Matrix barcodes

Step 1. Add a new formula

  • In Field Explorer right-click on "Formula" and select "New".
  • Hint: If you do not see Field Explorer, choose it from Standard Toolbar (see screenshot).
Right-click on "Formula" and select "New", to create a new formula

  • Name the formula. Remember to add "...Part0" suffix at the end of the formula name.
Enter the name for your formula

Step 2. Copy the formula text

  • Copy the contents of this text into the Formula Editor:
  // Part number of the barcode. Always begins with 0.
local numberVar partNumber := 0; 

  // barcodeInputArray is the text you wish to encode in the Data Matrix. It is an array of strings. 
  // By using an array instead of a single string, we are able to enter data that's longer than the limit of 254 characters.
  // You can use multiple strings (up to 254 characters each), which will be joined together:
  // local stringVar array barcodeInputArray:= ["Hello World", " and Other Planets"]; // encodes: Hello World and Other Planets
  // If your data is under 254 characters then simply use a single-item array, like this:
  // local stringVar array barcodeInputArray:= ["Hello World"];
  // or 
  // local stringVar array barcodeInputArray:= [{my_data_table.item_name}];
  // If your data is a number or date, it must be converted to string using the ToText() function. For example:
  // local stringVar array barcodeInputArray:= [ ToText({my_data_table.item_amount}, 0, "")];

local stringVar array barcodeInputArray := ["Hello World"];

  // Minimum size of Data Matrix symbol.. Valid sizes are 1-30. 
  // Square sizes are 1-24 (size 1 equals 10x10 modules per side and size 24 equals 144x44).
  // Non-Square sizes are 25-30 (size 25 equals 8x18 modules, and size 30 equals 16x48).
  // Note: Size of symbol will automatically increase if too small for the data.
numberVar symbolSize := 1;              
  // Encoding mode for this Data Matrix symbol. Describes how to best encode the supplied text 
  // to achieve smallest symbol size.
  // Possible values are: Auto, Ascii, C40, Text, X12, Edifact, Base256
stringVar dataMatrixEncoding := "Auto";

  // Allows input of special characters in format ^000 where 000 is decimal ASCII code. 
  // For example, ABC^009123^013^010 encodes "ABC[TAB]123[CARRIAGE RETURN][LINE FEED]".
  // To encode the actual caret ^, enter it twice: ^^
  // To encode FNC1, enter: ^F1
booleanVar allowSpecialChars := true; 

  // Determines whether the symbol is a regular DataMatrix or a GS1-DataMatrix barcode.
  // Set IsGS1 to false to create "regular" DataMatrix barcodes (default).
  // Set IsGS1 to true to create GS1-DataMatrix barcodes.
  // GS1-DataMatrix barcodes require input to be in the format: "(NN)XXXXXX(NN)XXXXXXXXX",
  // where NN is a 2, 3, or 4-digit AI and XXXXXX is alphanumeric data to be encoded.
booleanVar isGs1 := false;            

  // Thickness of quiet zone (space around barcode), in number of modules.
  // Note: Minimum quiet zone is 1 module. If you add a border (borderWidth > 0), ensure quietZoneWidth is 1 or larger.
  // Default value is 0 (no quiet zone).
numberVar quietZoneWidth := 0;       

  // Thickness of border around barcode, in number of modules.
  // If using a border, ensure quietZoneWidth is 1 or larger.
numberVar borderWidth := 0;            

 // Character encoding of your data input.
 // For example: UTF-8 | UTF-16 | ISO-8859-1 | ISO-8859-3 | ISO-2022-JP-2 
 // This setting should be set to UTF-16 (Unicode) for Crystal Reports 9 and newer
 // Crystal Reports automatically converts all input (from database fields, strings, etc) into UTF-16.
local stringVar characterInputEncoding := "ISO-8859-1";

 // Character encoding for data encoded in the Data Matrix symbol. 
 // The recommended setting is UTF-8, which is the default for the majority of barcode scanners.
 // If you change the setting, be sure the scanner understands it.
local stringVar characterOutputEncoding := "UTF-8";

local stringVar hex := "";
local stringVar xvals := "0123456789ABCDEF";
local stringVar array hexStringsArray := [""];

local numberVar j;

for j := 1 to Count(barcodeInputArray) do
    local numberVar strLen := Length(barcodeInputArray[j]);

    local numberVar i;
    For i := 1 to strLen Do
        local numberVar num := Asc(Mid(barcodeInputArray[j], i, 1));
        local numberVar first := Remainder( num,  256);
        hex := hex + Mid(xvals, Int(first/16) + 1, 1) + Mid(xvals, Remainder(first, 16) + 1, 1); 

        if Length(hex) >= 254 then
            ReDim Preserve hexStringsArray[Count(hexStringsArray)+1];
            hexStringsArray[Count(hexStringsArray)] :=  hex;
            hex := "";

if Length(hex) > 0 then 
    ReDim Preserve hexStringsArray[Count(hexStringsArray)+1];
    hexStringsArray[Count(hexStringsArray)] := hex;

DataMatrixEncodeFromHexArray(partNumber, hexStringsArray, symbolSize, dataMatrixEncoding, allowSpecialChars, 
                                            isGs1, quietZoneWidth, borderWidth, characterInputEncoding, characterOutputEncoding);




Step 3. Edit the formula

  • Replace "Hello World..." with your own data. 
  • Set other properties (Quiet Zone, Error Correction, etc) now as well.

Step 4. Create Copies of Formula

  • Create two exact copies of the formula we created in step 3.  Add the suffix Part1 and Part2 to formula names, correspondingly.
Drag all three formulas from Field Explorer to the Text Object

Step 5. Edit partNumber

  • Set partNumber to 1 in formula MyDataMatrixBarcode2_Part1
  • Set partNumber to 2 in formula MyDataMatrixBarcode2_Part2

Step 6. Insert a Text Object

  • Insert Text Object into your report.

Step 7. Add Formulas to Text Object

  • Drag all three formulas from Field Explorer to the Text Object.
Drag all three formulas from Field Explorer to the Text Object

Step 8. Set Font Properties

  • Change the font to: BCW_DM and set the point size.

NOTE:  For smaller barcodes, you can set the point size as low as 2pt

Change the font to BCW_DM and set the point size

Step 9. Ensure the text object grows (if necessary)

  • Right-click and select Format Text...
 Select Format Text to edit all the details of your formula for Data Matrix barcode

  • Select Can Grow on the Common tab.
Select "Can Grow" so that text box's height could be automatically adjusted

That is it! The barcode is generated

  • Click on Preview ... 
Preview of the finished report with Data Matrix barcodes in it