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Returns or sets the value indicating the height of a row in a PDF 417 barcode. Does not affect other barcode types.


The height is expressed in multiples of XDimension. For example the value RowHeight_3x creates rows with the height 3 times as large as XDimension.


BarCodeWiz1.PDF417RowHeight [ = enum]


The settings for enum are:


Constant Description
RowHeight_2x PDF 417 row height is set to 2 x the value of XDimension.
RowHeight_3x Default setting. PDF 417 row height is set to 3 x the value of XDimension.
RowHeight_4x PDF 417 row height is set to 4 x the value of XDimension.
RowHeight_5x PDF 417 row height is set to 5 x the value of XDimension.
RowHeight_6x PDF 417 row height is set to 6 x the value of XDimension.