- Install Barcode ActiveX Add-in in Excel
- Barcodes in MS Excel
- Create Sequential Barcode Labels in Excel
- Add Supplemental Text to Barcodes in Excel
- Extract Barcode Images from MS Excel
- Create Dynamic Barcodes Using LinkedCell in Excel
- Supplemental Text in Barcodes Using LinkedCell in Excel
- Barcodes in Excel with VBA
- BackColor
- BackStyle
- Barcode
- BarcodeColor
- BarcodeTextColor
- BarcodeTextFont
- BarcodeTextVisible
- BarcodeTextPosition
- BarcodeTextStretch
- BarHeight
- BearerBars
- BottomText
- BottomTextAlignment
- BottomTextColor
- BottomTextFont
- BottomTextVisible
- ControlAlignment
- ControlAutosize
- DataMatrixSize
- LinkedCell
- OptionalCheckChar
- Orientation
- OutlineColor
- OutlineStyle
- OutlineVisible
- OutlineWidth
- Padding Left/Top/Right/Bottom
- PDF417Columns
- PDF417ErrorCorrectionLevel
- PDF417RowHeight
- PDF417Truncated
- Picture
- QRCodeErrorCorrectionLevel
- QRCodeSize
- QuietZone Horizontal/Vertical
- Symbology
- TopText
- TopTextAlignment
- TopTextColor
- TopTextFont
- TopTextVisible
- UnitOfMeasure
- VerticalBarTextEntry
- WideToNarrowRatio
- XDimension
Barcode ActiveX Control
GS1-128 / (UCC EAN 128)

GS1-128 is a variant of Code 128 used mainly in retail distribution / logistics applications.
GS1-128 is also called UCC/EAN 128
A GS1-128 bar code consists of an Application Identifier (AI) used to identify the meaning and the format of the data that follows it, and the numeric-only or alphanumeric data.
A number of Application Identifiers has been defined for identification, traceability data, dates, quantity, measurements, locations, and many other types of information.
BarCodeWiz ActiveX Specific
- To enter the FNC1 character, use the ASCII 202 character - Ê - (press and hold the ALT key while typing 0202). You may also type ^F1 to achieve the same effect.
- FNC1 is required only at the end of variable length data section. It is not required as the last character in the bar code. For example:
- To encode (17) 041220, simply type 17041220 (Ê is not required with fixed length AIs)
- To encode (17) 041220 (30) 15, type: 170412203015 (Ê is not required at the end)
- To encode (30) 15 (400) 12345, type: 3015Ê40012345 (Ê is required after 15, because the AI of 30 is variable length)