- Install Barcode ActiveX Add-in in Excel
- Barcodes in MS Excel
- Create Sequential Barcode Labels in Excel
- Add Supplemental Text to Barcodes in Excel
- Extract Barcode Images from MS Excel
- Create Dynamic Barcodes Using LinkedCell in Excel
- Supplemental Text in Barcodes Using LinkedCell in Excel
- Barcodes in Excel with VBA
- BackColor
- BackStyle
- Barcode
- BarcodeColor
- BarcodeTextColor
- BarcodeTextFont
- BarcodeTextVisible
- BarcodeTextPosition
- BarcodeTextStretch
- BarHeight
- BearerBars
- BottomText
- BottomTextAlignment
- BottomTextColor
- BottomTextFont
- BottomTextVisible
- ControlAlignment
- ControlAutosize
- DataMatrixSize
- LinkedCell
- OptionalCheckChar
- Orientation
- OutlineColor
- OutlineStyle
- OutlineVisible
- OutlineWidth
- Padding Left/Top/Right/Bottom
- PDF417Columns
- PDF417ErrorCorrectionLevel
- PDF417RowHeight
- PDF417Truncated
- Picture
- QRCodeErrorCorrectionLevel
- QRCodeSize
- QuietZone Horizontal/Vertical
- Symbology
- TopText
- TopTextAlignment
- TopTextColor
- TopTextFont
- TopTextVisible
- UnitOfMeasure
- VerticalBarTextEntry
- WideToNarrowRatio
- XDimension
Barcode ActiveX Control
Barcodes in MS VB6
- To insert BarCodeWiz ActiveX into your project, go to Project->Components...

- Select the appropriate Type Library, and click OK.

- BarCodeWiz icon now appears in the toolbox and can be inserted on a form.

- The following is the Visual Basic code needed to send a bar code image to your printer. It will print the bar code in the top left position of your paper (0,0).

- See our Visual Basic sample application for a complete example of BarCodeWiz ActiveX in action.
- To fix 'Error accessing the system registry' when adding the control to the toolbox, run VB6.exe with elevated priviledges (Run As Administrator).
- To fix "Object Library Not Registered" on 64-bit machines:
1. Open Command Prompt with Administrator priviledges (Start > Search for "cmd.exe" > Right click on cmd.exe and select "Run As Administrator")
2. Type the following commands:
cd c:\Windows\SysWOW64
regtlib msdatsrc.tlb