- Install Barcode ActiveX Add-in in Excel
- Barcodes in MS Excel
- Create Sequential Barcode Labels in Excel
- Add Supplemental Text to Barcodes in Excel
- Extract Barcode Images from MS Excel
- Create Dynamic Barcodes Using LinkedCell in Excel
- Supplemental Text in Barcodes Using LinkedCell in Excel
- Barcodes in Excel with VBA
- BackColor
- BackStyle
- Barcode
- BarcodeColor
- BarcodeTextColor
- BarcodeTextFont
- BarcodeTextVisible
- BarcodeTextPosition
- BarcodeTextStretch
- BarHeight
- BearerBars
- BottomText
- BottomTextAlignment
- BottomTextColor
- BottomTextFont
- BottomTextVisible
- ControlAlignment
- ControlAutosize
- DataMatrixSize
- LinkedCell
- OptionalCheckChar
- Orientation
- OutlineColor
- OutlineStyle
- OutlineVisible
- OutlineWidth
- Padding Left/Top/Right/Bottom
- PDF417Columns
- PDF417ErrorCorrectionLevel
- PDF417RowHeight
- PDF417Truncated
- Picture
- QRCodeErrorCorrectionLevel
- QRCodeSize
- QuietZone Horizontal/Vertical
- Symbology
- TopText
- TopTextAlignment
- TopTextColor
- TopTextFont
- TopTextVisible
- UnitOfMeasure
- VerticalBarTextEntry
- WideToNarrowRatio
- XDimension
Barcode ActiveX Control

DataMatrix is a high density 2D Symbology capable of encoding up to 3116 characters in a single barcode.
BarCodeWiz ActiveX Specific
- Control characters, such as TAB or NEW LINE, may be encoded by entering their three digit ASCII code prefixed by a caret (^). For instance, 1234^009 will encode 1234 followed by a tab character (ASCII 009).
- To encode FNC1, enter: ^F1
- To encode the actual caret character: ^, escape it by entering it twice: ^^. For example, to encode ABC^DEF, enter: ABC^^DEF